Rotate Axis Labels in Matplotlib

Introduction Matplotlib is one of the most widely used data visualization libraries in Python. Much of Matplotlib’s popularity comes from its customization options – you can tweak just about any element from its hierarchy of objects. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to rotate axis text/labels in a Matplotlib plot. Creating a Plot Let’s create a simple plot first: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1) y = np.sin(x) plt.plot(x, y) […]

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Graph Signal Recovery Using Restricted Boltzmann Machines

We propose a model-agnostic pipeline to recover graph signals from an expert system by exploiting the content addressable memory property of restricted Boltzmann machine and the representational ability of a neural network. The proposed pipeline requires the deep neural network that is trained on a downward machine learning task with clean data, data which is free from any form of corruption or incompletion… We show that denoising the representations learned by the deep neural networks is usually more effective than […]

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RidgeSfM: Structure from Motion via Robust Pairwise Matching Under Depth Uncertainty

We consider the problem of simultaneously estimating a dense depth map and camera pose for a large set of images of an indoor scene. While classical SfM pipelines rely on a two-step approach where cameras are first estimated using a bundle adjustment in order to ground the ensuing multi-view stereo stage, both our poses and dense reconstructions are a direct output of an altered bundle adjuster… To this end, we parametrize each depth map with a linear combination of a […]

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Action Duration Prediction for Segment-Level Alignment of Weakly-Labeled Videos

This paper focuses on weakly-supervised action alignment, where only the ordered sequence of video-level actions is available for training. We propose a novel Duration Network, which captures a short temporal window of the video and learns to predict the remaining duration of a given action at any point in time with a level of granularity based on the type of that action… Further, we introduce a Segment-Level Beam Search to obtain the best alignment, that maximizes our posterior probability. Segment-Level […]

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Low-Dimensional Manifolds Support Multiplexed Integrations in Recurrent Neural Networks

We study the learning dynamics and the representations emerging in Recurrent Neural Networks trained to integrate one or multiple temporal signals. Combining analytical and numerical investigations, we characterize the conditions under which a RNN with n neurons learns to integrate D(n) scalar signals of arbitrary duration… We show, both for linear and ReLU neurons, that its internal state lives close to a D-dimensional manifold, whose shape is related to the activation function. Each neuron therefore carries, to various degrees, information […]

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Crowdsourcing Airway Annotations in Chest Computed Tomography Images

Measuring airways in chest computed tomography (CT) scans is important for characterizing diseases such as cystic fibrosis, yet very time-consuming to perform manually. Machine learning algorithms offer an alternative, but need large sets of annotated scans for good performance… We investigate whether crowdsourcing can be used to gather airway annotations. We generate image slices at known locations of airways in 24 subjects and request the crowd workers to outline the airway lumen and airway wall. After combining multiple crowd workers, […]

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Deep Reinforcement Learning for Feedback Control in a Collective Flashing Ratchet

A collective flashing ratchet transports Brownian particles using a spatially periodic, asymmetric, and time-dependent on-off switchable potential. The net current of the particles in this system can be substantially increased by feedback control based on the particle positions… Several feedback policies for maximizing the current have been proposed, but optimal policies have not been found for a moderate number of particles. Here, we use deep reinforcement learning (RL) to find optimal policies, with results showing that policies built with a […]

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Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking

In a soccer game, the information provided by detecting and tracking brings crucial clues to further analyze and understand some tactical aspects of the game, including individual and team actions. State-of-the-art tracking algorithms achieve impressive results in scenarios on which they have been trained for, but they fail in challenging ones such as soccer games… This is frequently due to the player small relative size and the similar appearance among players of the same team. Although a straightforward solution would […]

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Deep Multi-Frame MVDR Filtering for Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement

Multi-frame algorithms for single-microphone speech enhancement, e.g., the multi-frame minimum variance distortionless response (MFMVDR) filter, are able to exploit speech correlation across adjacent time frames in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. Provided that accurate estimates of the required speech interframe correlation vector and the noise correlation matrix are available, it has been shown that the MFMVDR filter yields a substantial noise reduction while hardly introducing any speech distortion… Aiming at merging the speech enhancement potential of the MFMVDR filter […]

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Assessing out-of-domain generalization for robust building damage detection

An important step for limiting the negative impact of natural disasters is rapid damage assessment after a disaster occurred. For instance, building damage detection can be automated by applying computer vision techniques to satellite imagery… Such models operate in a multi-domain setting: every disaster is inherently different (new geolocation, unique circumstances), and models must be robust to a shift in distribution between disaster imagery available for training and the images of the new event. Accordingly, estimating real-world performance requires an […]

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