A pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool

PdpCLI PdpCLI is a pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool which enables you to build a pandas pipeline powered by pdpipe from a configuration file. You can also extend pipeline stages and data readers / writers by using your own python scripts. Features Process pandas DataFrame from CLI without wrting Python scripts Support multiple configuration file formats: YAML, JSON, Jsonnet Read / write data files in the following formats: CSV, TSV, JSON, JSONL, pickled DataFrame Import / export data with multiple […]

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Provision proxy servers across different cloud providers to improve your scraping success

CloudProxy The purpose of CloudProxy is to hide your scrapers IP behind the cloud. It allows you to spin up a pool of proxies using popular cloud providers with just an API token. No configuration needed. CloudProxy exposes an API with the IPs and credentials of the provisioned proxies. Planned: Google Cloud Azure Scaleway Vultr Inspired by This project was inspired by Scrapoxy, though that project no longer seems actively maintained. The primary advantage of CloudProxy over Scrapoxy is that […]

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An extremely efficient and fault-tolerant Named Data Networking protocol

Eclipse zenoh Python API Eclipse zenoh is an extremely efficient and fault-tolerant Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol that is able to scale down to extremely constrainded devices and networks. How to install it The Eclipse zenoh-python library is available on Pypi.org.Install the latest available version using pip: pip install eclipse-zenoh ![warning](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/26a0.png =20×20)WARNING![warning](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/26a0.png =20×20) zenoh-python is developped in Rust. On Pypi.org we provide binary wheels for the most common platforms (MacOS, Linux x86). But also a source distribution package for other […]

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Fish shell tool for managing Python virtual environments

VirtualFish VirtualFish is a Python virtual environment manager for the Fish shell. You can get started by reading the documentation. (It’s quite short… Promise!) You can also get help on #virtualfish on OFTC (ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/#virtualfish), the same network as the Fish IRC channel. VirtualFish is currently maintained by Justin Mayer, and was originally created by Leigh Brenecki. A quickstart, for the impatient Fish version 3.1 or higher is required. python -m pip install virtualfish vf install Add VirtualFish to your prompt […]

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Python Inner Functions

Python allows the declaration of functions inside of other functions. Inner functions, also known as nested functions, are defined within a function. This type of function has direct access to variables and names defined in the enclosing function in Python. Inner functions have many uses, most notably as closure factories and decorator functions. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Define inner functions Use inner functions as helper functions Build function closures Use captured variables in a closure Use captured […]

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Automated Spam E-mail Detection Model(Using common NLP tasks)

Hope you all are doing Good !!! Welcome to my blog! Today we are going to understand about basics of NLP with the help of the Email Spam Detection dataset. We see some common NLP tasks that one can perform easily and how one can complete an end-to-end project. Whether you know NLP or not, this guide should help you as a ready reference. For the dataset used click on the above link or here. Let’s get started, Natural Language […]

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Lint game data metafiles against GTA5.xsd for Rockstar’s game engine

rage-lint Lint RAGE (only GTA5 at the moment) meta/XML files for validity based off of the GTA5.xsd generated from game code. This script accepts a series of blobs, and validates all files against GTA5.xsd, allowing to check your metafilesagainst Rockstar’s own definitions. NOTE: This software is EXPERIMENTAL, there are likely XSD generation issues laying around Usage A rage-lint.exe file is provided in the releases tab. Compiling To use this script, first install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt, then […]

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An easy to use image CAPTCHA soltion for pyTelegramBotAPI

pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA An easy to use and (hopefully useful) image CAPTCHA soltion for pyTelegramBotAPI. Installation: pip install pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA Do not forget to update the package from time to time by callingpip install pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA –upgrade Description: Do you have problems with userbots that spam your groups or add your group members to other chats? Then this package can help you to protect your groups and members! It’s very easy to integrate into your existing bot and also easy to customize the CAPTCHA […]

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Unofficial implementation of PatchCore anomaly detection model

PatchCore anomaly detection Unofficial implementation of PatchCore(new SOTA) anomaly detection model Original Paper : Towards Total Recall in Industrial Anomaly Detection (Jun 2021)Karsten Roth, Latha Pemula, Joaquin Zepeda, Bernhard Schölkopf, Thomas Brox, Peter Gehler https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.08265https://paperswithcode.com/sota/anomaly-detection-on-mvtec-ad notice(21/06/18) :This code is not yet verified. Any feedback is appreciated.updates(21/06/21) : I used sklearn’s SparseRandomProjection(ep=0.9) for random projection. I’m not confident with this. I think exact value of “b nearest patch-features” is not presented in the paper. I just set 9. (args.n_neighbors) In terms […]

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A tool search for SSRF using predefined settings in different parts of a request

Extended ssrf search This tool search for SSRF using predefined settings in different parts of a request (path, host, headers, post and get parameters). First step Rename example.app-settings.conf to app-settings.conf and adjust settings. The most important setting is the callback url. I recommend to use burp collaborator. Then you can add your urls to config/url-to-test.txt. Here the script accepts domains as well as urls with path and query parameters. If you like you can add your own cookies to config/cookie-jar.txt […]

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