Pixel Art Reverse Image Search for OpenGameArt

PixelArtSearch Pixel art search engine for opengameart. ## What data do you need on each image to create a reverse image search? I used [VGG16 feature extraction](https://towardsdatascience.com/extract-features-visualize-filters-and-feature-maps-in-vgg16-and-vgg19-cnn-models-d2da6333edd0) in [my script for this](https://github.com/emnh/PixelArtSearch/blob/master/scripts/featureVectors.py). See the article for more information, but in essence it’s 4096 32-bit floating point numbers for each image, which describe various features of the image, say for instance in a very simplified way how many stripes or squares it has or how green it is. But these features […]

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