Python tutorials

Python News: What’s New From October 2021?

New versions of Python are now released annually. We can look forward to the core developers sharing a lovely goody bag with the rest of us every October. With Python 3.10, which came out of beta on October 4th, everyone had something exciting to anticipate. Each release of Python has a release manager who’s responsible for coordinating all changes and for building and preparing the files for distribution. The release manager for Python 3.10 and 3.11 is Pablo Galindo Salgado. […]

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Building Lists With Python’s .append()

Adding items to a list is a fairly common task in Python, so the language provides a bunch of methods and operators that can help you out with this operation. One of those methods is .append(). With .append(), you can add items to the end of an existing list object. You can also use .append() in a for loop to populate lists programmatically. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Work with .append() Populate lists using .append() and a for […]

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Securely Deploy a Django App With Gunicorn, Nginx, & HTTPS

Taking a Django app from development to production is a demanding but rewarding process. This tutorial will take you through that process step by step, providing an in-depth guide that starts at square one with a no-frills Django application and adds in Gunicorn, Nginx, domain registration, and security-focused HTTP headers. After going over this tutorial, you’ll be better equipped to take your Django app into production and serve it to the world. To make the most out of this tutorial, […]

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Cython, Rust, and more: choosing a language for Python extensions

Sometimes pure Python code isn’t enough, and you need to implement an extension in a compiled language like C, C++, or Rust. Maybe your code is slow, and you need to speed it up. Maybe you just need access to a library written in another language. Depending on your particular situation and needs, you may want to choose a different tool. But which one? Let’s see what your options are, and then go through a variety of scenarios and see […]

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Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers

Visual Studio Code, or VS Code for short, is a free and open source code editor by Microsoft. You can use VS Code as a lightweight code editor to make quick changes, or you can configure it as an integrated development environment (IDE) through the use of third-party extensions. In this tutorial, you’re going to look at how to get the most out of VS Code for Python development. During this tutorial, you’ll learn how you can configure, extend, and […]

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Using plt.scatter() to Visualize Data in Python

An important part of working with data is being able to visualize it. Python has several third-party modules you can use for data visualization. One of the most popular modules is Matplotlib and its submodule pyplot, often referred to using the alias plt. Matplotlib provides a very versatile tool called plt.scatter() that allows you to create both basic and more complex scatter plots. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Create a scatter plot using plt.scatter() Use the required and […]

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Build a Command-Line To-Do App With Python and Typer

Building an application to manage your to-do list can be an interesting project when you’re learning a new programming language or trying to take your skills to the next level. In this tutorial, you’ll build a functional to-do application for the command line using Python and Typer, which is a relatively young library for creating powerful command-line interface (CLI) applications in almost no time. With a project like this, you’ll apply a wide set of core programming skills while building […]

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Build a Content Aggregator in Python

In this project-based tutorial, you’ll build a content aggregator from scratch using Python and the popular framework Django. With so much content coming out online daily, it can be time consuming to go to multiple sites and sources to consume information about your favorite subjects. This is why content aggregators are so popular and powerful, as you can use them to view all the latest news and content in one place. Whether you’re looking for a portfolio project or ways […]

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Reading Input and Writing Output in Python

You often need to set up a program to communicate with the outside world by obtaining input data from the user and displaying data back to the user. This course will introduce you to reading input and writing output in Python. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to: Take user input from the keyboard with the built-in function input() Display output to the console with the built-in function print()    

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The NLP Cypher | 10.31.21

The Localization Problem (LP) is a glaring dark cloud hanging over the state of affairs in applied deep learning. And acknowledging this problem, I believe, will enable us to make better use of applied AI and expand our knowledge in how the business market will form. Defining LP: There is a limit to how much large centralized language models can generalize at scale given: 1) that different users inherently have varying definitions of ground-truths due to inter-dependencies to their unique […]

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