Python tutorials

Writing Files using Python

As pointed out in a previous article that deals with reading data from files, file handling belongs to the essential knowledge of every professional Python programmer. This feature is a core part of the Python language, and no extra module needs to be loaded to do it properly. Basics of Writing Files in Python The common methods to operate with files are open() to open a file, seek() to set the file’s current position at the given offset, and close() […]

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Single Page Apps with Vue.js and Flask: RESTful API with Flask

RESTful API with Flask Welcome to the fourth post on using Vue.js and Flask for full-stack web development. The focus of this post will be on building a backend REST API using the Python based Flask web framework. The code for this post is in a repo on my GitHub account under the branch FourthPost. Series Content Seup and Getting to Know VueJS Navigating Vue Router State Management with Vuex RESTful API with Flask (you are here) AJAX Integration with […]

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Creating and Deleting Directories with Python

This article continues with our series on interacting with the file system in Python. The previous articles dealt with reading and writing files. Interestingly, the file system is much more than a way to store/retrieve data to disk. There are also various other types of entries such as files, directories, sockets (for inter-process communication), named pipes, both soft and hard links, as well as special files (block devices). Reading and writing from and to them is done in a similar […]

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Single Page Apps with Vue.js and Flask: AJAX Integration

AJAX Integration with REST API Thanks for joining me for the fifth post on using Vue.js and Flask for full-stack web development. This post will be fairly short, but highly valuable as I will be demonstrating how to connect the front-end and back-end applications using Asynchronous Javascript and XML (aka, AJAX). The code for this post can be found on my GitHub account under the branch FifthPost. Series Content Seup and Getting to Know VueJS Navigating Vue Router State Management […]

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Reading and Writing Lists to a File in Python

As serialized data structures, Python programmers intensively use arrays, lists, and dictionaries. Storing these data structures persistently requires either a file or a database to work with. This article describes how to write a list to file, and how to read that list back into memory. To write data in a file, and to read data from a file, the Python programming language offers the standard methods write() and read() for dealing with a single line, as well as writelines() […]

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Single Page Apps with Vue.js and Flask: JWT Authentication

JWT Authentication Welcome to the sixth installment to this multi-part tutorial series on full-stack web development using Vue.js and Flask. In this post I will be demonstrating a way to use JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. The code for this post can be found on my GitHub account under the branch SixthPost. Series Content Seup and Getting to Know VueJS Navigating Vue Router State Management with Vuex RESTful API with Flask AJAX Integration with REST API JWT Authentication (you are […]

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Basic Socket Programming in Python

In general, network services follow the traditional client/server model. One computer acts as a server to provide a certain service and another computer represents the client side which makes use of this service. In order to communicate over the network a network socket comes into play, mostly only referred to as a socket. This kind of socket communication can even be used internally in a computer for inter-process communication (IPC). This article explains how to write a simple client/server application […]

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Implementing SVM and Kernel SVM with Python’s Scikit-Learn

A support vector machine (SVM) is a type of supervised machine learning classification algorithm. SVMs were introduced initially in 1960s and were later refined in 1990s. However, it is only now that they are becoming extremely popular, owing to their ability to achieve brilliant results. SVMs are implemented in a unique way when compared to other machine learning algorithms. In this article we’ll see what support vector machines algorithms are, the brief theory behind support vector machine and their implementation […]

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Single Page Apps with Vue.js and Flask: Deployment

Deployment to a Virtual Private Server Welcome to the seventh and final installment to this multi-part tutorial series on full-stack web development using Vue.js and Flask. In this post I will be demonstrating how do deploy the application built throughout this series. The code for this post can be found on my GitHub account under the branch SeventhPost. Series Content Seup and Getting to Know VueJS Navigating Vue Router State Management with Vuex RESTful API with Flask AJAX Integration with […]

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Local and Global Variables in Python

One of the basic elements of programming languages are variables. Simply speaking a variable is an abstraction layer for the memory cells that contain the actual value. For us, as a developer, it is easier to remember the name of the memory cell than it is to remember its physical memory address. A valid name can consist of characters from ‘a’ to ‘z’ (in both lower and upper cases) as well as digits. No spaces or special characters, like umlauts […]

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