A reinforcement learning framework for DouDizhu

DouZero [ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning DouZero is a reinforcement learning framework for DouDizhu (斗地主), the most popular card game in China. It is a shedding-type game where the player’s objective is to empty one’s hand of all cards before other players. DouDizhu is a very challenging domain with competition, collaboration, imperfect information, large state space, and particularly a massive set of possible actions where the legal actions vary significantly from turn to turn. DouZero […]

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Partially-observed visual reinforcement learning domain

CowHerd CowHerd is a partially-observed reinforcement learning environment, where the player walks around an area and is rewarded for milking cows. The cows try to escape and the player can place fences to help capture them. The implementation of CowHerd is based on the Crafter environment. Play Yourself You can play the game yourself with an interactive window and keyboard input.The mapping from keys to actions, health level, and inventory state are printedto the terminal. # Install with GUI pip3 […]

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8-piece command-line puzzle game Written in python

Eight Puzzle CLI 8-piece command-line puzzle game developed for the Artificial Intelligence discipline. Written in python, this project aims to apply the studied concepts and implement a simple intelligent agent that can solve the game. Project execution Dependencies Execution Automatic agents Two automatic agents are implemented that use two “brute force” search algorithms: Breadth-first Search Algorithm – BFS Width search, graph/tree search algorithm where the exploration of all neighboring vertices is prioritized before traversing to the next depth, until a […]

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A cross-platform multi-level game created in Python using Kivy

CoinTex CoinTex is a multi-level adventure game created using the Kivy cross-platform Python framework. The game is successfully tested in Linux, Windows, and Android and working on all of these platforms without even changing a single line of code. Here is a simple description of it. The game is multi-level. Once it is opened, the main screen appears that shows a matrix of all game levels, which are 24 up to this time. The main screen is given in the […]

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A clearer, shorter and cleaner PyGame codebases

hooman ~ pygame for humans pip install hooman join discord: https://discord.gg/Q23ATve The package for clearer, shorter and cleaner PyGame codebases! Fun fact: Codementor.io tweeted about Hooman tagged #LearnPython #100DaysOfCode See a snake game taken from edureka: import pygame import time import random pygame.init() white = (255, 255, 255) yellow = (255, 255, 102) black = (0, 0, 0) red = (213, 50, 80) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (50, 153, 213) dis_width = 600 dis_height = 400 dis […]

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A pygame program that generates a maze and solves itself using a DFS algorithm

Maze Generator And Solver Program Purpose: Generates a maze that then solves itself Language: Python and Pygame Algorithm: Randomized DFS / Floodfill / Recursive Backtracking How the program works Generation Maintain a matrix that keeps track of visited cells Maintain a stack that keeps track of cells on the current path Start at the top left cell Randomly choose one of the available neighbor cells If there are none, go to previous cell in the stack Color visited cells blue, […]

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A third-person shooter written in the Panda3D game engine and Python

Droid Game 3D This is a very interesting game in which you can fight droid bots and online with other players. Unite in teams, and arrange a capture of the flag (mode in development). Popular servers At the moment, the most popular are the admin server and DOOMPY. Server statistics Admin fun server – 17 players per day. DOOMPY – 8 players per day. Capture the flag mode. New bots New droids. Control There are many different features in the […]

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A video games engine for python

PursuedPyBear PursuedPyBear, also known as ppb, exists to be an educational resource. Most obviously used to teach computer science, it can be a useful tool for any topic that a simulation can be helpful. A Game Engine At its core, ppb provides a number of features that make it perfect for video games. The GameEngine itself provides a pluggable subsystem architecture where adding new features is as simple as subclassing and extending System. Additionally, it contains a state stack of […]

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A Python framework/template of a MMO game built using PyGame

PyMMO PyMMO is a Python framework/template of a MMO game built using PyGame on top of Python’s built-in socket module. This template implements a simple MMORPG with baked in features such as: In-game chat bubbles functionality; Action battle system with server-side processing functionality; Run on cloud, locally in your machine, or anywhere in-between due to the use of sockets. Multithreaded client handling on the server side Minimal and easy to use and only requires PyGame as a dependency Preview: Requirements […]

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A Python library for the development of multimedia applications like video games

pygame pygame is a free and open-source cross-platform library for the development of multimedia applications like video games using Python. It uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer library and several other popular libraries to abstract the most common functions, making writing these programs a more intuitive task. Installation pip install pygame Help If you are just getting started with pygame, you should be able to get started fairly quickly. Pygame comes with many tutorials and introductions. There is also full reference […]

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