Flask-Rebar combines flask, marshmallow, and swagger for robust REST services

Flask-Rebar Flask-Rebar combines flask, marshmallow, and swagger for robust REST services. Features Request and Response Validation – Flask-Rebar relies on schemas from the popular Marshmallow package to validate incoming requests and marshal outgoing responses. Automatic Swagger Generation – The same schemas used for validation and marshaling are used to automatically generate OpenAPI specifications (a.k.a. Swagger). This also means automatic documentation via Swagger UI. Error Handling – Uncaught exceptions from Flask-Rebar are converted to appropriate HTTP errors. Example from flask import […]

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A Flask extension for preventing cross-site request forgery

Flask-SeaSurf SeaSurf is a Flask extension for preventing cross-site request forgery (CSRF). CSRF vulnerabilities have been found in large and popular sites such as YouTube. These attacks are problematic because the mechanism they use is relatively easy to exploit. This extension attempts to aid you in securing your application from such attacks. This extension is based on the excellent Django middleware. Installation Install the extension with one of the following commands: $ easy_install flask-seasurf or alternatively if you have pip […]

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Library books management web application built with Flask

library books management Web application Library books management web application built with Flask Upload a book to the database, and also see it at home page. You’ll be able to edit the book if you make a mistake while registering it. Borrow a book to the customer and register the borrowed date. You’ll be able to see the borrowed books information. You’ll be able to edit the borrowed books information. You’ll be able to see the returned books information If […]

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A Python Flask API is code-first and using native Flask

MrMat :: Python :: API :: Flask Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API Features Code-first Pluggable APIs and multiple API versions Database schema migration using Flask-Migrate API body serialisation using Flask-Marshmallow OIDC Authentication using Flask-OIDC No TLS, because this is intended to run behind a reverse proxy Healthz How to build this Use the standard python ./setup.py install to build. By default, the version built will be 0.0.0.dev0,unless the MRMAT_VERSION environment variable is set by the build orchestrator (e.g. […]

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dynaconf – Configuration Management for Python

dynaconf Configuration Management for Python. Features Inspired by the 12-factor application guide Settings management (default values, validation, parsing, templating) Protection of sensitive information (passwords/tokens) Multiple file formats toml|yaml|json|ini|py and also customizable loaders. Full support for environment variables to override existing settings (dotenv support included). Optional layered system for multi environments [default, development, testing, production] Built-in support for Hashicorp Vault and Redis as settings and secrets storage. Built-in extensions for Django and Flask web frameworks. CLI for common operations such as […]

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Neo4j Movies Example app with Flask backend using the neo4j-python-driver

Neo4j Movies Application: Quick Start This example application demonstrates how easy it is to get started with Neo4j in Python. It is a very simple web application that uses our Movie graph dataset to provide a search with listing, a detail view and a graph visualization. The Stack These are the components of our Web Application: Application Type: Python-Web Application Web framework: Flask (Micro-Webframework) Neo4j Database Connector: Neo4j Python Driver for Cypher Docs Database: Neo4j-Server (4.x) with multi-database Frontend: jquery, […]

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