A collection of all challenges in HKCERT CTF 2021

1 玩咗先至瞓 Sanity Check 50 234 #☆☆☆☆☆ 2 Freedom Cipher Mode Picker 100 21 #crypto #★☆☆☆☆ 4 所有遺失的東西 All Missing 150 27 #pwn #★☆☆☆☆ 5 留下來的人 The Remaining One 300 4 #pwn #misc #★★★☆☆ 6 今天我不想做嘢 Let’s Chill 450 4 #reverse #misc #★★★★☆ 7 集合吧!地球保衛隊 Sratslla SEA 450 2 #crypto #★★★★☆ 10 Ophiuchus Ophiuchus 500 2 #web #★★★★★ 11 無聲浪 The Wave of Us 50 152 #forensics #☆☆☆☆☆ 12 深夜浪漫 1 babyURIi 200 4 #pwn #web #★★☆☆☆ 15 幫緊你!幫緊你! Flag […]

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JustCTF [*] 2020 challenges sources

This repo contains sources for justCTF [*] 2020 challenges hosted by justCatTheFish. TLDR: Run a challenge with ./run.sh (requires Docker/docker-compose and might require sudo as we use nsjail extensively under the hood). The challenges/ contains challanges directories with the following structure: README.md – official challenge description used during CTF run.sh – shell script to run the challenge locally (uses Docker and sometimes docker-compose) public/ – files that were public/to download private/ – sources and other unlisted files flag.txt/metadata.json – the […]

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FMFCC-A (audio track of FMFCC) dataset and Challenge resluts

This project is the description of FMFCC-A (audio track of FMFCC) dataset and Challenge resluts. The FMFCC-A dataset is shared through BaiduCloud (website: , password: IIES). The FMFCC-A dataset is by far the largest publicly available Mandarin dataset for synthetic speech detection, which contains 40,000 synthesized Mandarin utterances that generated by 11 Mandarin TTS systems and two Mandarin VC systems, and 10,000 genuine Mandarin utterances collected from 58 speakers. In addition, the official website of FMFCC-A (Audio track of the […]

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