Guide to Flask-MongoEngine in Python

Introduction Building a web app almost always means dealing with data from a database. There are various databases to choose from, depending on your preference. In this guide, we shall be taking a look at how to integrate one of the most popular NoSQL databases – MongoDB – with the Flask micro-framework. In this guide, we’ll be exploring how to integrate MongoDB with Flask using a popular library – MongoEngine, and more specifically, its wrapper – Flask-MongoEngine. Alternatively, you can […]

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Online Versus Offline NMT Quality: An In-depth Analysis on English–German and German–English

December 8, 2020 By: Maha Elbayad, Michael Ustaszewski, Emmanuelle Esperança-Rodier, Francis Brunet Manquat, Jakob Verbeek, Laurent Besacier Abstract We conduct in this work an evaluation study comparing offline and online neural machine translation architectures. Two sequence-to-sequence models: convolutional Pervasive Attention (Elbayad et al., 2018) and attention-based Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) are considered. We investigate, for both architectures, the impact of online decoding constraints on the translation quality through a carefully designed human evaluation on English-German and German-English language pairs, […]

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Sentiment Analysis: VADER or TextBlob?

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. What Is Sentiment Analysis? Conclusions are integral to practically all human exercises and are key influencers of our practices. Our convictions and impression of the real world, and the decisions we make, are, to an impressive degree, molded upon how others see and assess the world. Therefore, when we have to settle on a choice, we regularly search out the assessments of others. Opinions and their related concepts […]

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Sentiment Analysis: Predicting Sentiment Of COVID-19 Tweets

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Hi folks, I hope you are doing well in these difficult times! We all are going through the unprecedented time of the Corona Virus pandemic. Some people lost their lives, but many of us successfully defeated this new strain i.e. Covid-19. The virus was declared a pandemic by World Health Organization on 11th March 2020. This article will analyze various types of “Tweets” gathered during pandemic times. […]

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Machine Translation Weekly 69: One-Short learning in MT

This week I will discuss a paper about the one-shot vocabulary learning abilities of machine translation. The title of the paper is Continuous Learning in Neural Machine Translation using Bilingual Dictionaries and will be presented at EACL in May this year. A very similar idea is also presented in a paper Facilitating Terminology Translation with Target Lemma Annotations that will be presented at the same conference. One-shot learning is the ability to learn from a single example. In the context […]

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Code Adam Optimization Algorithm From Scratch

Last Updated on February 21, 2021 Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that follows the negative gradient of an objective function in order to locate the minimum of the function. A limitation of gradient descent is that a single step size (learning rate) is used for all input variables. Extensions to gradient descent like AdaGrad and RMSProp update the algorithm to use a separate step size for each input variable but may result in a step size that rapidly decreases […]

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Simulated Annealing From Scratch in Python

Simulated Annealing is a stochastic global search optimization algorithm. This means that it makes use of randomness as part of the search process. This makes the algorithm appropriate for nonlinear objective functions where other local search algorithms do not operate well. Like the stochastic hill climbing local search algorithm, it modifies a single solution and searches the relatively local area of the search space until the local optima is located. Unlike the hill climbing algorithm, it may accept worse solutions […]

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A Review of the Neural History of Natural Language Processing

This post discusses major recent advances in NLP focusing on neural network-based methods. This post originally appeared at the AYLIEN blog. This is the first blog post in a two-part series. The series expands on the Frontiers of Natural Language Processing session organized by Herman Kamper and me at the Deep Learning Indaba 2018. Slides of the entire session can be found here. This post discusses major recent advances in NLP focusing on neural network-based methods. The second post discusses […]

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Issue #118 – EDITOR: a Repositioning Transformer with Soft Lexical Constraints

18 Feb21 Issue #118 – EDITOR: a Repositioning Transformer with Soft Lexical Constraints Author: Dr. Karin Sim, Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic EDITOR: an Edit-Based Transformer with Repositioning for Neural MT with Soft Lexical Constraints Introduction On our blog a couple of weeks ago (issue 116), Patrik explored fully non-autoregressive machine translation, highlighting the tricks such as dependency reduction that enabled quality to be maintained while retaining the speed-up gains over autoregressive MT. Today we revisit non-autoregressive translation (NAT), examining […]

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No Free Lunch Theorem for Machine Learning

The No Free Lunch Theorem is often thrown around in the field of optimization and machine learning, often with little understanding of what it means or implies. The theorem states that all optimization algorithms perform equally well when their performance is averaged across all possible problems. It implies that there is no single best optimization algorithm. Because of the close relationship between optimization, search, and machine learning, it also implies that there is no single best machine learning algorithm for […]

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