Zap: The delightful package manager for AppImages


Zap Installing Firefox

Looking for the older Zap v1 (Python) implementation? Head over to v1 branch.

Getting Started ✨

For system-wide installation (needs sudo)

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/zap
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zap
zap --help

For local installation, (requires ~/.local/bin to be on $PATH)

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
wget -O ~/.local/bin/zap
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/zap
zap --help

NOTE: Replace amd64 with your machine architecture. Supported architectures are listed in the release page

Installing AppImages

All AppImages from the AppImage Catalog and AppImage catalog v2 can be installed using zap with their registered name.

zap install element

will ask you the version of element you would like to install + download them and do all the hard work of integrating into your system,




To finish reading, please visit source site