Toolkit for collecting and applying templates of prompting instances


Toolkit for collecting and applying templates of prompting instances.



  1. Download the repo
  2. Navigate to root directory of the repo
  3. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt


From the root directory of the repo, you can launch the editor with

streamlit run promptsource/

There are 3 modes in the app:

  • Helicopter view: aggregate high level metrics on the current state of the sourcing
  • Prompted dataset viewer: check the templates you wrote or already written on entire dataset
  • Sourcing: write new prompts

![]( =800x)


Join the Hackaprompt and help writing templates!

Contribution guidelines and step-by-step HOW TO are described here.

Writing Templates

A prompt template is expressed in Jinja.

It is rendered using an example




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