Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat

Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups and channels. Supports live streams, YouTube videos and telegram media. With record stream support, Schedule streams, and many more.

Config Vars:

Mandatory Vars

  1. API_ID : Get From
  2. API_HASH : Get from
  3. BOT_TOKEN : @Botfather
  4. SESSION_STRING : Generate From here GenerateStringName
  5. CHAT : ID of Channel/Group where the bot plays Music.

Recommended Optional Vars

  1. DATABASE_URI: MongoDB database Url, get from mongodb. This is an optional var, but it is recomonded to use this to experiance the full features.
  2. HEROKU_API_KEY: Your heroku api key. Get one from here
  3. HEROKU_APP_NAME: Your heroku




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