Polyp-PVT: Polyp Segmentation with Pyramid Vision Transformers

by Bo Dong, Wenhai Wang, Deng-Ping Fan, Jinpeng Li, Huazhu Fu, & Ling Shao.

This repo is the official implementation of “Polyp-PVT: Polyp Segmentation with Pyramid Vision Transformers”.

1. Introduction

Polyp-PVT is initially described in arxiv.

Most polyp segmentation methods use CNNs as their backbone, leading to two key issues when exchanging information between the encoder and decoder: 1) taking into account the differences in contribution between different-level features; and 2) designing effective mechanism for fusing these features. Different from existing CNN-based methods, we adopt a transformer encoder, which learns more powerful and robust representations. In addition, considering the image acquisition influence and elusive properties of polyps, we introduce three novel modules, including




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