One Loss for All: Deep Hashing with a Single Cosine Similarity based Learning Objective

ArXiv (pdf)

Official pytorch implementation of the paper: “One Loss for All: Deep Hashing with a Single Cosine Similarity based Learning Objective”

NeurIPS 2021

Released on September 29, 2021

This paper proposes a novel deep hashing model with only a single learning objective which is a simplification from most state of the art papers generally use lots of losses and regularizer. Specifically, it maximizes the cosine similarity between the continuous codes and their corresponding binary orthogonal codes to ensure both the discriminative capability of hash codes and the quantization error minimization. Besides, it adopts a Batch Normalization layer to ensure code balance and leverages the Label Smoothing strategy to modify the Cross-Entropy loss to tackle multi-labels classification. Extensive experiments




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