Dynamic Segment Aggregation Network for Video-Level Representation Learning



We release the code of the DSANet (Dynamic Segment Aggregation Network). We introduce the DSA module to capture relationship among snippets for video-level representation learning. Equipped with DSA modules, the top-1 accuracy of I3D ResNet-50 is improved to 78.2% on Kinetics-400.

The core code to implement the Dynamic Segment Aggregation Module is codes/models/modules_maker/DSA.py.

[July 7, 2021] We release the core code of DSANet.

[July 3, 2021] DSANet has been accepted by ACMMM 2021.


All dependencies can be installed using pip:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Our experiments run on Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.5.




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