API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format

API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format. From 2022-01-07 to 2023-09-15. Game URL: https://wordle.danielfrg.com/ Usage curl https://wordle-solutions.herokuapp.com/ Examples: curl https://wordle-solutions.herokuapp.com/ # Returns all solutions curl https://wordle-solutions.herokuapp.com/2022-02-06 # Returns solution of the day Recommendation: use jq to parse. Why? Weekend project. Unlike original Wordle version, solutions are (client-side) encrypted. Seemed funny to script. Future work (not me) Maybe a front-end? Disclaimer Crappy code. GitHub – alvarontwrk/wordle-solutions at pythonawesome.com API that provides Wordle (ES) solutions in JSON format. – GitHub […]

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Reinforcement learning with wordle and open-ai gym

The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble I know there are more deterministic approaches using statistics and log-likelihood that might be more efficient, but I am trying this to for the clickbait title that I’d give my blog if this ends up working Current status Setup wordle-gym environment Train some basic algorithms Finetune the RL algos to be performant Generalize to Squabble esque environment GitHub View […]

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An optimal player for Wordle. Based on a rough understanding of information theory

Just for fun, my attempt at making an optimal player for Wordle. Based on a rough understanding of information theory, and the idea that the best guess for a given turn is the one that gives you the most information. Usage wordle.py will feed you the guesses for a game of Wordle. If you run python wordle.py, you’ll be launched into an interactive session, where the program outputs guesses and you just need to give it the outputs of each […]

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WORDLE clone for Adafruit Clue

This project is a clone of the very popular word solving puzzle game Wordle; made for the Adafruit Clue hardware running Circuit Python 7.x.x. (Clue board: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4500) Custom Keyboard Hardware: https://github.com/MichaelLacock/Open-Blue *** Note that you may need to manually re-add the libraries, there really isn’t a good way to re-package the required libraries. *** KeyBoard Driver library: https://github.com/arturo182/arturo182_CircuitPython_BBQ10Keyboard *** Circuit Python for CLUE: https://circuitpython.org/board/clue_nrf52840_express/ *** Get 7.x Bundle here: https://circuitpython.org/libraries Setup:Once Circuit Python 7.x.x is up an running, just drag […]

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Wordle bot – A bot that plays wordle

A bot that plays wordle https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/sgb-words.txt I used the dataset above for the bot. It was published by Donald E. Kruth. The main idea the bot uses is by deleting words from it’s word list and then making a random guess. It starts with picking a random word out of 5757 words. Enters it , then using the result it got it eliminates some of the words in the words list and then makes another guess until it founds it […]

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A simple Wordle puzzle solver in python

A simple search-based puzzle solver for Wordle, built in Python. Inspired by and tested using @adjusa’s clone, Hyperwordle. By default, this uses a small dictionary (~2,500 5-letter words), and can’t find solutions outside the given list. Youcan optionally switch to the complete English dictionary provided by @dwyl(~16k 5-letter words), which is more comprehensive than the dictionary used by official Wordle and related puzzles. Thismeans that while your chance of having the answer in the dictionary are high, you may be […]

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A little script for playing wordle

My goofy little script for playing wordle. It actually runs really slowly at first but once you’ve added some info (e.g. which letters are green, yellow, black) it goes much faster. The reason it’s slow at first is the heuristic is expensive (see below). There are two files: wordledict.py does nothing but load the list of winning words and possible words (these I just extracted from the Javascript on the site itself) find_cands.py uses the word lists to eliminate and […]

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Wordle TUI: Play WORDLE game in your terminal

Play WORDLE game in your terminal. The game will be kept the same as the Web version. Prerequisites Python 3.7+ Linux/MacOS (Windows is not supported due to upstream limits). Quick Start Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/frostming/wordle-tui.git cd wordle-tui If you are using PDM, then: pdm install # Run the application pdm run start Otherwise, set up a new virtualenv and install the dependencies:

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Little python script + dictionary to help solve Wordle puzzles

Little python script + dictionary to help solve Wordle puzzles Usage Usage: ./wordlesolver.py [letters in word] [letters not in word] [placemen]t [letters in word] is just any letters that you know are in the word, without spaces, for example: fa [letters not in word] is just any letters that you know are not in the word, without space, for example: bqwetl [placement] should have the actual placement for any letters that went green, with any unknowns marked as an underscore, […]

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