Search Telegram chat history even if you’re using CJK

A telegram Bot that can search for CJK and other languages. Telegram has bad search experience for CJK languages because those languages are not separated by spacing. Bug issues were submitted years ago but never fixed. I’m not planning to be sitting ducks, so I create a bot that can search for CJK languages. support text message support caption inside photo and document support chat username Telegram allows multiple sessions, maximum is 10 clients. We create a hidden session We […]

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Telegram Mirror and Leech Bot

This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram. Fork of Anasty’s Repo Leech Log Mirror logs Source link logs Alt Leech log – You can forward leeched files and alternative channels/groups Special permissions to group moderators Database Support for leech logs and alt leech logs Sending Leeched files and Mirror links in user’s PM Force Subscriber Module Auto Delete all bot related message to prevent copyright issue Appdrive […]

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Play your streams directly to telegram

Play streams in your chats using this userbot ! Python: python3FFmpeg: ffmpegPyrogram: pyrogramYoutube Dl : youtube_dl – (optional) Local run pip install -r requirements.txt fill your vars in local.env run python3 Now play using !stream (url) Heroku Warning : Heroku bans repo’s with “youtube_dl” as requirement, So, make sure you remove the requirement and then deploy. (yes, the bot will still work but you won’t get direct link support for youtube_dl supported sites :p) You need two build packs […]

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Go live easily and stream videos in Telegram channels

A bot for streaming in Telegram RTMP streams. Get Started Use a Cloud Platform Manually Prerequisites Configure In order to configure the bot, you have to set the following environmental variables: APP_HASH APP_ID BOT_TOKEN RTMP_KEY RTMP_URL Or put them in a .env in the root. Install Run poetry run python -m trtmp Commands Currently, TRTMP has 2 commands. To request more features and commands, talk to usin @CallsMusicChat. Note: Commands are triggered with the “/” prefix. stream As you may […]

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Easily report multiple telegram channels

Easily report multiple telegram channelsЛегко оскаржуйте декілька телеграм каналів одночасно ENG Attention: use on your own risk – While the script will sleep 10 to 20 seconds between requests and 50 to 60 seconds between each 10 requests, telegram might ban your account if you will use this app to report huge amount of accounts in short time.It’s better to use separate telegram account to use this app. Follow instructions hereto obtain your api_id and api_hash for telegram client Command […]

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Telegram bot for logistic

Демонстрационный телеграм-бот для нужд транспортной компанииЦель проектаРеализация простейшего телеграм-бота на языке программирование python с использованием библиотеки pyTelegramBotAPI Цель программыИнформировать клиента вымышленной транспортной компании Che-logistic о месте нахождения отправления (посылки) клиента в конкретный момент времени. Как начатьСкачать и установить python версии 3.10.2;Установить библиотеку pandas;Установить библиотеку pyTelegramBotAPI (тестирование проводилось на версии 3.8.2);Установить библиотеку telebot (тестирование проводилось на версии 0.0.4);Создать телеграм-бота с помощью BotFather и получить API-key;Скачать с репозитория файлы и base_cargo.csv (проверить в скрипте правильность пути к файлу base_cargo.csv, путь […]

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