Open Stats – A library built on top of streamlit that extracts data from the Github API and shows the main KPIs

Discover and share the KPIs of your OpenSource project. OpenStats is a library built on top of streamlit that extracts data from the Github API and shows the main KPIs for an OpenSource project: Star evolution: What is the popularity of the repo? Good First issues: Is there a focus towards the community? Recurrent collaborators: How many people are involved? Repository traffic: How many visits and clones do we have? While there many other things to take into account, these […]

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Streamlit component to display topics from Streamlit’s community forum related to any exception

Streamlit component to display topics from Streamlit’s community forum related to any exception. Installation pip install streamlit-forum Usage import streamlit as st from streamlit_forum import forum with forum(): import streamlit as st # Your code that may raise an exception here. E.g. 0/0 Docs To view the docstring, import Streamlit and the component and call, criteria=’broad’, sortby=’relevance’, status=’any’) Use in a `with` block to execute some code and display topics from Streamlit’s community forum related to any exception. […]

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Streamlit app for pump it up project

This is a basic app that performs two functions First, it allows for the easy mapping of the data on the functionality of water pumps to allow hypothesis formation Second, it gives access to a trained classification model that will predict whether a hypothetical pump is function from a set of input variables A full account of the creation of the model can be found at A working copy of the app can be accessed at GitHub View […]

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Width customizer for Streamlit Apps

As of now, you can only change your Streamlit app’s layout width from narrow (default) to wide. You can switch to the wide mode persistently by adding this code at the top of your file: # Use the full page instead of a narrow central column st.set_page_config(layout=”wide”) Now, wouldn’t it be nice to have custom layout widths? Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to change these custom widths on the fly? Wouldn’t it be even sweeter to change […]

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OpenSea NFT API App using Python and Streamlit

OpenSea NFT API App using Python and Streamlit Tutorial Video Walkthrough Instructions for Running pip3 install -r requirements.txt streamlit run and assets.json This is a flat file of all assets in a collection. Since OpenSea NFT only lets you fetch 50 assets at a time, you can run to fetch all assets page by page and output the final data structure into a file called assets.json. The webapp reads in this data and performs the […]

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Interactive web apps created using geemap and streamlit

Introduction This repo demostrates how to build a multi-page Earth Engine App using streamlit and geemap. You can deploy the app on various cloud platforms, such as or Heroku. Make sure you set EARTHENGINE_TOKEN=’your-token’ as an environment variable (secret) on the cloud platform. Where to find your Earth Engine token? Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/.config/earthengine/credentials Linux: /home/USERNAME/.config/earthengine/credentials macOS: /Users/USERNAME/.config/earthengine/credentials Credits This app is created using the template from upraneelnihar/streamlit-multiapps. GitHub    

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