Scrapes Job website for python developer jobs and exports the data to a csv file

Web scraping Pyton program that scrapes Job website for python developer jobs and exports the data to a csv file. Requests – downloads the data from the web server (HTTP protocol) and saves the response . The response variable contains all the html data that can then be used to extract whatever information you need. Beautiful Soup library is used to parse the html data. Title, company name , location, salary and job summary are extracted to a python dictionary. […]

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Shopee Scraper: A web scraper in python that extract sales, price, avaliable stock, location and more of a given seller in Brazil

A web scraper in python that extract sales, price, avaliable stock, location and more of a given seller in Brazil. The project was created in python 3 and requires only 3 libraries that may need to be installed (in case you don’t have any of them). They are: requests, date and time. Date and Time are default libraries for Linux and Mac users, but if you’re running Windows, make sure to install them using pip. You can easily install requests […]

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Web Scraping with Python

Esse projeto consiste em um código para o usuário buscar as últimas nóticias sobre um termo qualquer, no site G1. Para esse projeto foi escolhida a linguagem de programação Python. Para que fosse possível realizar essa busca, foram utilizadas três bibiliotecas, que foram: selenium – Utilizada para automatizar o processo e obter o conteúdo da página Web. bs4 – BeautifoulSoup – Utilizada para manipular o conteúdo HTML. Pandas – Utilizada para criar e exportar um dataframe com as informações obtidas. […]

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Scapes an entire search page of a particular item on eBay and sends regular updates to an email address

This is a project I built with the sole intent to learn more about scraping websites, manipulating data, and delivering it through a medium. It is not intended for commercial use. The program tracks an entire eBay search page of a particular item and sends automated updates to an email with the respective link and price to each entry. The program asks you for: The item you want to track How many hours do you want between updates The range […]

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A universal package of scraper scripts for humans

Table of Contents About The Project Getting Started Usage Contributing Sponsors License Contact Acknowledgements About The Project Scrapera is a completely Chromedriver free package that provides access to a variety of scraper scripts for most commonly used machine learning and data science domains. Scrapera directly and asynchronously scrapes from public API endpoints, thereby removing the heavy browser overhead which makes Scrapera extremely fast and robust to DOM changes. Currently, Scrapera    

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A web Scraper for that scrapes University and Faculty list for a particular country

A web Scraper for that scrapes University and Faculty list for a particular country To run the file: Open terminal ans installl requiremnts.txt file Run in terminal to scrape University data of all countries in the webpage. Run in terminal that lists Area wise (AI,Systems, InterDisciplinary, Theory) Faculty and thier Google Scholar and DBLP info in folders. Universities of a particualr country are listed in a new worksheet. GitHub View Github    

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Lovely Scrapper With Python

Join 𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥🇮🇳#𝗧𝗦𝗙𝗡𝗘𝗧𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞: LOVELY MEMBERS SCRAPPING For Installation Of Script First Open Termux App Step 1 apt update && apt upgrade Step 2 pkg install -y git python Step 3 pkg update && pkg upgrade Step 4 Step 5 git clone Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 pip install -d requirements.txt    

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CPF and CNPJ consultation at the Federal Revenue with Web-Scraping

Repositório contendo scripts Python que realizam a consulta de CPF e CNPJ diretamente no site da Receita Federal. Requerimentos Python 3.x instalado; Driver do navegador que será utilizado. Clique aqui para mais informações; Caminho do driver baixado adicionado ao PATH. Instalação Na pasta do repositório, execute o comando: pip install -r requirements.txt Alterações necessárias Para a execução, é necessário adaptar o código para o navegador que será utilizado. Por padrão o código utiliza o navegador Microsoft Edge. Modificar se necessário: […]

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