A Python Perforce package that doesn’t bring in any other packages to work

P4CMD 🌴 A Python Perforce package that doesn’t bring in any other packages to work.Relies on p4cli installed on the system. p4cmd The p4cmd module holds the P4Client class that allows you to interact with the P4 server. To instantiate a new client, you either pass it the root path of you Perforce workspace or if the “P4ROOT” system variable is set, you can use the from_env class function from p4cmd import p4cmd client = p4cmd.P4Client(“~/nisse/projects/raw”)

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You will need to install a few python packages for this one

Bait support Auto repair will repair every 10 catches Anti detection (still a work in progress) but using random times and click positions –pip install pyautogui –pip install pydirectinput 1920 x 1080 resolution Full screen (windowed is untested) You MUST run getposition.py and put your cursor in the middle of the fishing rod while its equipped to your character (the console will tell you your current mouse position). THEN inside of run.py insert your X position on line 39 and […]

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The Python3 import playground

I have been confused about python modules and packages, this text tries to clear the topic up a bit. Sources: https://chrisyeh96.github.io/2017/08/08/definitive-guide-python-imports.html https://abarker.github.io/understanding_python_imports/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44834/can-someone-explain-all-in-python https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43059267/how-to-do-from-module-import-using-importlib Modules Each file with extension .py can be used as a module. The module is in source file module_source.py, while it is imported as import module_source. In this example, both the module source file and the importing file are in the same directory. Lets import the module. (the module source includes a print statement print(“module_foo […]

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A python package manager designed to manage C / C++ packages

cfpm is a package manager designed to manage C / C++ packages. Installation Requirements cfpm requires at least Python 3.7 to run. Use pip Make sure the pip comes from Python 3. Use pip -V to verify it. $ pip install cfpm You can also upgrade it using pip using pip install cfpm –upgrade. Build from source Building from source is easy too. Clone the repo and pip install will do thework. $ git clone https://github.com/project-cfpm/cfpm.git $ cd cfpm $ […]

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