Using computer vision techniques in OpenCV, we will identify road lane lines in which autonomous cars must run

Using computer vision techniques in OpenCV, we will identify road lane lines in which autonomous cars must run. This will be a critical part of autonomous cars, as the self-driving cars should not cross it’s lane and should not go in opposite lane to avoid accidents. Frame Masking and Hough Line Transformation To detect white markings in the lane, first, we need to mask the rest part of the frame. We do this using frame masking. The frame is nothing […]

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Open Source computer Vision (OpenCV) – one of the most widely used tool for image processing and computer vision tasks

Open Source computer Vision (OpenCV) is one of the most widely used tool for image processing and computer vision tasks. This technique is utilized in numerous applications such as video capturing, face detection, object recognition, etc. This repository contains codes that addresses the basic concepts of image processing using OpenCV library. The following image processing tasks are; reading images, Saving image, capturing video, loading videos, convert color images to grayscale, saving real-time video, retrieving properties from images and video, creating […]

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Mesafe tahmini yapabilen ve nesne tanımlayabilen proje (python-opencv & yolov4)

TR:mesafe tahmini yapabilen ve nesne tanımlayabilen proje (python-opencv & yolov4)EN:project that can estimate distance and identify objects##########################################################################################################################TR:program index hatası veriyorsa opencv-contrib sürümünüz ile ilgili bir problem olabilirEN:If the program gives an index error, there may be a problem with your opencv-contrib version.solution:pip install opencv-contrib-python== oldugundan emin olmanız gerekenlerEN:Things to make sure you have1-cv2 (pip install opencv-python)2-numpy3-opencv-contrib (opencv-contrib-python) GitHub View Github    

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A simple video player written in python using ffpyplayer and OpenCV

cvplayer is a minimal wrapper around the ffpyplayer.MediaPlayer class for playing videos through interactive (direct access to the player through keymaps) or scripts (getting a VideoPlayer instance and doing whatever the user wants to) audio playback and supplying frames is handles by ffpyplayer and OpenCV is used to display the frames this makes it useful for simple interactable video playback as well for integrating video playback in programs Scripted access cvplayer provides the VideoPlayer class which is the main wrapper […]

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Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file

Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file.In “” file I’ve automated the process of creating a custom dataset in an already existing folder. Each subfolder in the the “FaceData” folder has images of corresponding to the folder name e.g Samuel folder contains images of samuel.The “” file trains a model to recognize the faces in the dataset.In the “” file make sure you change the image directory accordingly […]

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A hobby project which includes a hand-gesture based virtual piano using a mobile phone camera and OpenCV library functions

This is a hobby project which includes a hand-gesture controlled virtual piano using an android phone camera and some OpenCV library. My motivation to initiate this project is two fold. I always felt the urge to be able to play piano since my childhood but huge instrumental costs barred my way. This is true for most of the musical instruments which are often very costly. I thought of putting my recently acquired computer vision skills to practice and make virtual […]

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Simple Pixelbot for Diablo 2 Resurrected written in python and opencv

Simple Pixelbot for Diablo 2 Resurrected written in python and opencv. Obviously only use it in offline mode as it is against the TOS of Blizzard to use it in online mode! Join the Discord Channel for help and discussions. Supported features Run Pindle, Eldtritch, Shenk Pickit with per item config. Stash picked up items (using all 4 stashes) Prebuff Revive Merc if dead Heal at Malah if needed Take potions and chicken if in trouble during fights Check for […]

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