Custom 2d Game Engine developed for Machine Learning Testing

This package provides a light weight and fast game engine developed specifically for rapid game design and protyping. This project was created by ColinTF and it is currently in the developement phase and now released have been made. Requirments PyOpenGl The opengl package we use pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate or download it here and install with pip install [the name .whl file] Grab the python 3.10 version of the non accelerate version for your correct system pyGLFW The package we […]

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DMM Game Player Fast Launcher

DMM Game Player のゲームを高速かつセキュアに起動できるランチャー 特徴 ワンクリックでゲームを起動 管理者権限不要 インストール Releases から DMMGamePlayerFastLauncher-Setup.exe をダウンロード実行してセットアップする 使い方 エクスプローラーやデスクトップで右クリックし新規作成、ショートカットの作成を選択項目の場所を入力して下さいにダウンロードしたDMMGamePlayerFastLauncherのパスとproduct_idを入力ショートカットの名前は何でも良いです 例%AppData%DMMGamePlayerFastLauncherDMMGamePlayerFastLauncher.exe umamusume%AppData%DMMGamePlayerFastLauncherDMMGamePlayerFastLauncher.exe priconner 目的のゲームのproduct_idが分からない場合、product_idを適当なものにするとインストールしているゲームのproduct_idが一覧で表示されます%AppData%DMMGamePlayerFastLaunchersample にサンプル用のショートカットを置いています 引数 DMMGamePlayerFastLauncher.exe オプション エイリアス デフォルト 備考 タイプ –help -h False bool –game-path False Falseにすると自動 –dmmgameplayer-path -dgp-path C:/Program Files/DMMGamePlayer/DMMGamePlayer.exe –non-kill False DMMGamePlayerが起動したままになる bool –debug False デバッグモード bool –login-force False ログインを強制する bool ヘルプ セットアップする際、WindowsによってPCが保護されましたと表示される詳細情報をクリックして実行をクリック ゲームのアイコンに寄せたいショートカットを右クリック→プロパティ→アイコンの変更→参照 ゲームのパスの検出に失敗しましたというエラーが出るまたは起動しない–game-path を指定する例%AppData%DMMGamePlayerFastLauncherDMMGamePlayerFastLauncher.exe umamusume –game-path %UserProfile%/umamusume/umamusume.exe 典拠 Lutwidse/ ライセンス DMMGamePlayerFastLauncher is under MIT License GitHub View Github    

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A LostArk Queue status overlay that displays information about your queue while tabbed out of the game

A simple overlay for LostArk that shows information about your queue status and time left while tabbed out of the game. Since we currently do not have any APIs from the game itself, the pipeline implemented is pretty much this: Extracting and processing a frame through win32 libraries, then manipulating the output with opencv to feed the resulting image into Tesseract (OCR) that will perform an Image-To-Text conversion and return our actual queue time. All of that is implemented into […]

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Contains all the components necessary to run a DC finals (attack-defense CTF) game from OOO

All the components necessary to run a game of the OOO DC CTF finals. Authors: adamd, hacopo, Erik Trickel, Zardus, and bboe Design Philosophy This repo contains all the game components necessary to run an Attack-Defense CTF that OOO used from 2018–2021. The design is based on adamd’s experience building the ictf-framework. There are fundamental tenenats that we try to follow in the design of the system: Spoke component model The communication design of the components in the system (which […]

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Novel role playing game da turfu

Ce README sera la page de garde du projet. Contenu Il contiendra la présentation et le sommaire, les noms, les rôlesIl documentera aussi comment lancer le jeu, l’installer ainsi que quelquesinformations de fonctionnement général montrant le plan du projet et comment lemodifier. Autres Le planning (qui sera rempli au fur et à mesure), le journal des difficultés,des outils utilisés, et de la vision du projet en détail, et le journal (ainsique les fichiers) de test sont dans le dossier portofolio.On […]

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An implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life

This is an implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life in Python, and a very basic and straightforward one at that. Installation Run the following to install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt Then, launch the game using: Note Feel free to play with the game window dimensions and cell scale: it might yield interesting results. GitHub View Github    

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A flexible CTF contest platform for coming PKU GeekGame events

A flexible CTF contest platform for coming PKU GeekGame events Still in early development Highlights Not configurable is most customizable. Every contest has its unique rule, which is unlikely to be fully covered by a text file or SQL table. Our experience shows that these static configurations often disturb contest organizers when they want more customization. Instead, we trust them as decent programmers, leaving the customization to the logic in the source code that is easy to maintain and extend. […]

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The N Queen is the problem of placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens attack each other

The N Queen is the problem of placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens attack each other. For example, following is a solution for 8 Queen problem. The 8 queens problem is simple. On an 8×8 chess board, the queen can move any number of squares horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Normally, there is one queen per side on the board but for this problem, there are 8. This can be generalized to N queens […]

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