Paaster – A secure by default end to end encrypted pastebin built with the objective of simplicity

Paaster is a secure by default end to end encrypted pastebin built with the objective of simplicity. Preview Features What is E2EE? E2EE or end to end encryption is a zero trust encryption methodology. When you paste code into paaster the code is encrypted locally with a secret generated on your browser. This secret is never shared with the server & only people you share the link with can view the paste. Can I trust a instance of paaster not […]

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SSEPy: Implementation of searchable symmetric encryption in pure Python

Searchable symmetric encryption, one of the research hotspots in applied cryptography, has continued to be studied for two decades. A number of excellent SSE schemes have emerged, enriching functionality and optimizing performance. However, many SSE schemes have not been implemented concretely and are generally stuck in the prototype implementation stage, and worse, most SSE schemes are not publicly available in source code. Based on this foundation, this project first implements SSE schemes (first single-keyword, then multi-keyword) published in top conferences […]

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A streaming wrapper around python tarfile and allow secure handling files and support encryption

Secure Tarfile library It’s a streaming wrapper around python tarfile and allow secure handling files and support encryption. with SecureTarFile(“test.tar”, “w”) as tar_file: atomic_contents_add( tar_file, temp_orig, excludes=[], arcname=”.”, ) with SecureTarFile(“test.tar”, “w”, b”AES128_KEY_SIZE”) as tar_file: atomic_contents_add( tar_file, temp_orig, excludes=[], arcname=”.”, ) GitHub View Github    

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A malware to encrypt all the .txt and .jpg files in target computer using RSA algorithms

A malware to encrypt all the .txt and .jpg files in target computer using RSA algorithms. Change the Blackgound image of targets’ computer. and decrypt the targets’ encrypted files in our own computer Usage: use to generate public and private keys pair. then send the and public key pem file to the targets computer. run randsomware on targets’ computer to encrypt all of their files. decrypt the file in your computer with the RSA private key. GitHub View […]

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Message Encrypt and decrypt software, allows you to encrypt the secrete message and decrypt Another Encryption Message

Message Encrypt and decrypt software // allows you to encrypt the secrete message and decrypt Another Encryption Message. | Requirements Install Base64 for Encryption and Decrpytion To Install This Module Follow This Step pip install base64 If You Don’t Have Last version Pip Upgrade First And InstallTo Upgrade Pip Write This Command On The Command Prompt python -m pip install –upgrade pip Encrpytion Mode Decryption Mode GitHub View Github    

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Encrypt/Decrypt with ChaCha20-Poly1305

Vaulty Encrypt/Decrypt with ChaCha20-Poly1305 Vaulty is an extremely lightweight encryption/decryption tool which uses ChaCha20-Poly1305 to provide 256-bit authenticated encryption (AEAD) using Scrypt as the password based key derivation function. It can be used to encrypt/decrypt files, or stdin if you don’t specify any files – it is written in Python and requires Python 3. If encrypting stdin then the output will be Base64 encoded whereas if encrypting a file then it won’t and it will have a .vlt extension added […]

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A hybrid(AES + RSA) encryptor in python

A hybrid(AES + RSA) encryptor in python.Tasted on Windows and Linux(Kali). Install Requirements Use the package manager pip to install requirements. pip install pycryptodome rich Usage python -g path/to/save/rsa_keys # Generating RSA Public and RSA Private Keys python -e -f [“file1”

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