Few hacks to speed up defining apis based on django rest framwork, inspired from fastapi

Few hacks to speed up defining APIs based on django rest framwork, inspired from fastapi First version tested on: python 3.9 and django 4.0 Features: Function based view Easy to use decorator Accepts validation of input and output using DRF serializers Accept CamelCased input and group all rest input methods in same dict :req Jsonify and camelcase any type of output: str, dict, QuerySet, Model AutoSchema docs using drf-spectacular Error handler that works with DRF Better way to pass the […]

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A web app showcasing OAuth2.0 + OpenID Connect using Firebase, Django-Rest-Framework and React

OAuth2.0 What is OAuth? OAuth is an authorization protocol that provides users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites Oauth became so popular that people started using OAuth for authentication, which OAuth is not built for. That’s where OpenID connect comes in. OpenID connect is on the top layer of oauth2.0 which provides authentication to users on the server side. This is image was taken from a talk given by Nate Barbettini you can check […]

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Advance market place website written in django

Advance market place website written in django 🙂 Online fashion store for wholesalers and retailers. 🗒 Note: This project does not have a shopping cart and wholesalers can register their order through WhatsApp. ⭐️ PicoStyle features Market place Advance admin panel Multilanguage Multilayer filtering Advance category system Session-based favorite list (wish list) Newsletter News system ⚙️ Config the project First you should make venv for this project.So in the main root of project you should type this command in your […]

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Project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack

A minimal project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack. Team Lead: @MeyerWilliam Front End: @mosiris Back End: @Justin444 Browser and access Access the website through a modern web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox by entering the website url. Account Creation The user will be directed to a login page with a button to create a new account. New users will need to create an account to access website functions.Password complexity is a must on account […]

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Django-serverless-cron – A Django app with a simpler approach running cron jobs

django-serverless-cron is a Django app with a simpler approach running cron jobs. This is done through exposing a HTTP endpoint to invoke the jobs that allows you to run any task without having to manage always-on infrastructure. There is also an option to run jobs via management commands and the Django admin. Why? This is essentially a replacement/supplement for a traditional OS ‘cron’ or ‘job scheduler’ system: Serverless cron jobs no-longer a pain. Schedule jobs to run at a frequency […]

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A collection of django password validators

A collection of django password validators. Compatibility Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 Django: 3.2, 4.0 Installation For translations to work, add django_pwned to INSTALLED_APPS. TL;DR: AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ {“NAME”: “django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator”}, {“NAME”: “django_pwned.validators.GitHubLikePasswordValidator”}, {“NAME”: “django_pwned.validators.MinimumUniqueCharactersPasswordValidator”}, {“NAME”: “django_pwned.validators.PwnedPasswordValidator”}, ] Validators PwnedPasswordValidator(request_timeout=1.5) This validator uses the Pwned Passwords API to check for compromised passwords. Internally, this validator checks password with django’sCommonPasswordValidator and if password was not in django’s list,uses Pwned API to check password. So you can remove CommonPasswordValidatorif you’re using this […]

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OTS React.JS – DJango Web Application

This repository servers as a template for creating React.JS – Django Web Applications. Note that the Django SECRET_KEY is being exposed here. Please create an entirely new project when starting your actual project. File system Tree below shows the file system for the more important files for this application. project_root |_frontend |_src |_App.js |_index.js |_store.js |_Components |_Actions |_Reducers |_Constants |_Screens |_public |_index.html |_package.json |_.gitignore |_backend |_manage.py |_backend |_settings.py |_urls.py |_base |_views.py |_urls.py |_models.py |_admin.py |_requirements.txt |_pyenv

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Enhanced Strawberry GraphQL integration with Django

Enhanced Strawberry integration with Django. Built on top of strawberry-djangointegration, enhancing its overall functionality. Features All of supported features by strawberry-django. Extension that automatically optimize queries (usingonly/select_related/prefetch_related) to solve graphql N+1 problems, with support forfragment spread, inline fragments, @include/@skip directives, prefetch merging, etc Improved sync/async resolver that priorizes the model’s cache to avoid have to usesync_to_asyncwhen not needed. Support for Django choices enums using (requiresdjango-choices-field) Relay support for queries, connections and input mutations. Django Debug Toolbar integration with graphiql todisplay […]

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