Standalone web application for collecting a large amount of voices read aloud from the manuscript efficiently

Toji is standalone web application for collecting a large amount of voices read aloud from the manuscript efficiently. Collect voice readings easily! All you need is the manuscripts to read out. The manuscript will appear on the screen, and then press the Record button to record the voice corresponding to the manuscript. Finally, you can download the recorded voices as a zip file. Toji (東寺) is the name of Japanese temple. The name of this repository is derived from a […]

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A python application used for downloading YouTube playlists and videos

A python application used for downloading YouTube playlists and videos. 1- Open a terminal window 2- Program arguments:   . Download type:      * “-p”: for a playlist      * “-v”: for a video    . Playlist / video URL    . In case of downloading a playlist, the next two arguments should be two integers:      * The first integer is the index of the first video in the playlist (the videos are 1-indexed)      * The second integer is the index of the last video in the playlist (enter -1 […]

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A Virtual Keyboard GUI app made in python using tkinter

A GUI application made in python using tkinter This is my first ever proper GUI based application project after learning tkinter recently. I made it to practice and get more used to working with tkinter Features You can open the keyboard settings menu with the button in the bottom right corner The keyboard is stored as a class named VirtualKeyboard, which you can import and use VirtualKeyboard().start() to use the virtual keyboard The keyboard comes in 5 sizes: Very Small […]

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A Python (Django) Full Stack Application for shortening URLs

A Python (Django) Full Stack Application for shortening URLs. How to start Clone this repo onto your local machine Set up Python virtual environment Install dependencies with pip install requirements.txt Set up a postgres database or sqlite database. Run migrations using python3 migrate Run development server with python3 runserver The app will be served at Screenshots Login screen Register screen Url List screen Create a new url screen User List screen – only for authorized user GitHub […]

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Space Apps 2019 Finalists Submission: AstroTech

What is the NEOSSat Challenge? The NEOSSat is a dual-mission microsatellite designed to detect potentially hazardous Earth-orbit-crossing asteroids and track objects that reside in deep space. At Space Apps 2019, a competition hosted by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) we took on the NEOSSat challenge. More info regarding the challenge can be found here: Who are we and what is AstroTech? We are the finalists from Toronto of NASA and the CSA’s 2019 Space Apps Challenge. Our […]

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A Celery application to collect data, download media and extract information from social media APIs

A Celery application to collect data, download media and extract information from social media APIs. Requirements You must have a Redis DB instance running (which is currently used as the Celery broker). Also, another DB will probably be used as the Celery backend in the future(if we ever need backend, that is). You must also have a MongoDB instance running as the application’s write layer. Usage Run celery: celery -A app.core.celery.worker worker -l info Note, that Celery does not support […]

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Creation of an application in django on music albums

Creation of an application in django on music albums Before Before you must verify that you have the latest python version downloaded In your terminalfirst create a virtual environment In windows In Unix o MacOS run source envScriptsactivate.bat Run the command pip install -r requirements.txt Create an .env file in the same location as the file inside the .env file – DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE =    

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Loan Qualifier Application Built With Python

This program is designed to automate the discovery process and allow the applicant to locate the best personalized bank lending programs based on their own individualized loan criteria.It will allow applicants to download results as a csv file and import to a spreadsheet. Technologies This project leverages python 3.7.10 with the following packages: *questionary 0.2.5 Installation Guide Before running the application first install the following dependencies.

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Application that regularly sends an email to the user with all the films available on the poster of cinemas Nos

GitHub – Cavalex/Cartaz-Cinemas-Nos: Aplicação que envia regularmente um email ao utilizador com todos os filmes disponíveis no cartaz dos cinemas Nos. Aplicação que envia regularmente um email ao utilizador com todos os filmes disponíveis no cartaz dos cinemas Nos. – GitHub – Cavalex/Cartaz-Cinemas-Nos: Aplicação que envia regularmente um email a…    

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