A featureful Python library covers most popular doujin API

A featureful Python library covers most popular doujin API Built on minimalist dependencies to resolves and interacts with ease.It takes a much more dictionaries rather than just raw data, and hope will be extendable. Janda has plenty api support apart from nhentai. Contributing •Documentation •Report Issues Site support Stable: works well | Triage: has some issues | Functional: works normally Features Easy to use: check your intelisense Neat: object taken is re-processed to make it actionable All-in-one: plenty of site […]

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WANDB Predictions With Python

CI/CD Below we capture the CI/CD scenarios that we would expect with our model endpoints. In the automated build scenario, we capture any changes in the source code for the model server, build the new resultant docker image, push the image to the container registry, and then deploy via cloud run. This captures the CI component. Automated builds based on changes in the master branch In the scheduled build scenario, to ensure that we pull the latest model from wandb […]

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Reads in an image of an album cover and and pulls the lyrics from an API to create an image to create “art”

Reads in an image of an album cover and and pulls the lyrics from an API to create an image to create “art”, which consists of the colored lyrics to mirror the original. Usage Copy the covers you want use in the ./input/ folder. Name the images from 00_foo.png to XX_bar.jpg. Create a songs.txt file in the ./input/ folder. Enter the name of the song (that should be contained by the new image) for 00_foo.png in the first line, second […]

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Aula – a school system widely used in Denmark, as you can see and read about in the python file

Hello, thank you for reading this first of all.This is a Aula-API Wrapper for.. – Aula! Aula is a school system widely used in Denmark, as you can see and read about in the python file, they’re shitters…This was an active project until recently, when we abandoned it. Therefore this is a ‘Discontinued API – Wrapper’.If we were to directly clown them, we would include the overall law, they’re breaking.. – So here is it 🙂 –The company behind Aula, […]

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Transimage Rest API For Python

0. Flask Rest API – in SunnyWeb : 이미지 변환 웹의 Flask Rest API 1. 구성 flaskRestAPI01 : 이미지 변환 기능 중 유명 화가풍으로 변환, 안경과 동물들의 특징을 이미지에 추가하는 기능을 담당하는 flask Rest API a) imgs : 안경, 돼지(코), 쥐(코, 귀) 이미지 b) models b-1) instance_norm b-2) eccv16 c) api_test01.py : json으로 request를 주었을 때를 테스트하는 모듈 d) app01.py : flask로 웹 서버를 올려 json request를 json response를 보내주는 flask Rest API e) img_download.py : s3에서 이미지를 다운 받아서 […]

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The objective of this API is to provide the 3 best possible responses to sentences that the user would input via http GET request as a parameter

This repository is a modification of: https://github.com/openai/gpt-2 for our specific purposes The objective of this API is to provide the 3 best possible responses to sentences that the user would input via http GET request as a parameter. This API that can help developers use GPT2 for their web application projects without the hassle of figuring out how GPT2 works. This API was used in a dating app project, where given the sentences the users exchanged the API had to […]

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Python API for the Crunchdao machine learning tournament

Interact with the Crunchdao tournament API using Python. If you encounter a problem or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue. pip install –upgrade crunchdao Some actions (like uploading predictions) require an apikey to verifythat it is really you interacting with Crunchdao. Keys can be passed to thePython module as a parameter or you can be set via the CRUNCHDAO_API_KEYenvironment variable import crunchdao # some API calls    

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API for detecting objects in images and video streams using Tensorflow

Dedicated Open Object Detection Service – Yes, it’s a backronym… DOODS is a REST service that detects objects in images or video streams. It’s designed to be very easy to use, run as a container and available remotely.It also supports GPUs and EdgeTPU hardware acceleration. DOODS2 is a rewrite of DOODS in Python. It supports the exact sameREST api endpoints as the original DOODS but it also includes endpoints for handling streaming feeds with realtimefeedback as annotated video and websocket […]

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