A Telegram bot to look up quotes, charts, general market sentiment and more

Tickergram is a Telegram bot to look up quotes, charts, general market sentiment and more. It can be used collaboratively in group chats or by talking directly to it. Users can also keep a watchlist and receive price information notifications.

Supporting Tickergram

I run an instance of Tickergram at @tickergrambot. By becoming a sponsor, you will support the project and get access to this bot instance. Check the sponsor tiers for more information.

Or continue reading and get your own bot running in no time!

Bot commands

  • /quote get quote
  • /chart [1y,6m,5d] get price and volume chart
  • /watch list|add|del [symbol] list, add or remove symbol from your watchlist
  • /watchlist get an overview of your watchlist
  • /watchlistnotify toggle the automatic watchlist notifications on and off
  • /overview get an overview of global ETFs
  • /feargreed get




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