A Simplified Automated CLI tool for GIT


A Simplified Automated CLI tool for GIT, It’s for Lazy Developers and Newbies


It’s simple step to install


  1. Python > = 3.7
  2. Python Package Installer(PyPI)

pip install gitfun

For initial push to the remote Repository

fun pushbranch -url -m commit message -b branch name

For checking the git status

fun status

For checking the remote

fun remote

For getting a pull from the branch

fun pullbranch -url -b branch name

for development setup

  1. clone the repository

git clonehttps://github.com/astaqc/gitfun.git

  1. Create a virtualenv

python3 -m virtualenv

  1. Activate the virtualenv

source venv_name/bin/activate

4.Install the setup file

python setup.py install

pip install -e .






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