A Python package for easy multiprocessing

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MPIRE, short for MultiProcessing Is Really Easy, is a Python package for multiprocessing, but faster and more user-friendly than the default multiprocessing package. It combines the convenient map like functions of multiprocessing.Pool with the benefits of using copy-on-write shared objects of multiprocessing.Process, together with easy-to-use worker state, worker insights, and progress bar functionality.

Full documentation is available at https://slimmer-ai.github.io/mpire/.


  • Faster execution than other multiprocessing libraries. See benchmarks.
  • Intuitive, Pythonic syntax
  • Multiprocessing with map/map_unordered/imap/imap_unordered functions
  • Easy use of copy-on-write shared objects with a pool of workers
  • Each worker can have its own state and with convenient worker init and exit functionality this state can




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