A library of functions to compute climate indices from observations or model simulation

xclim: Climate indices computations

xclim is a library of functions to compute climate indices from observations or model simulations. It is built using xarray and can benefit from the parallelization handling provided by dask. Its objective is to make it as simple as possible for users to compute indices from large climate datasets and for scientists to write new indices with very little boilerplate.

For example, the following would compute monthly mean temperature from daily mean temperature:

import xclim
import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_dataset(filename)
tg = xclim.icclim.TG(ds.tas, freq='YS')

For applications where meta-data and missing values are important to get right, xclim provides a class for each index that validates inputs, checks for missing values, converts units and assigns metadata attributes to




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