A Django project skeleton that is modern and cutting edge

{% comment “This comment section will be deleted in the generated project” %}

Build Status

A Fantastic Django project starter.


  • Ready Bootstrap-themed pages
  • User Registration/Sign up
  • Better Security with 12-Factor recommendations
  • Logging/Debugging Helpers
  • Works on Python 3 and Django 2
  • Formatted with Black

More information at: http://django-edge.readthedocs.org/ Contribute using: Edge Dev Tools


Quick start:

Before creating a new project from this template, you need to create a fresh virtual environment and install Django:

  1. $ python -m venv ./myenv
  2. $ source ./myenv/bin/activate.fish (use the appropriate activate script based on your shell)
  3. $ python -m pip install -U pip django

Create your new edgy django project:




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