Goddard Image Analysis and Navigation Tool

Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved. The Goddard Image Analysis and Navigation Tool (GIANT) is a collection of utilities and scripts that aims to make all aspects of Optical Navigation (OpNav) and Camera Calibration easy. To install it is recommended that you use the mamba-forge python distribution/package manager. More detailed instructions can […]

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Construindo API’s robustas utilizando Python

Neste tutorial vamos aprender a construir API’s utilizando Python e FastAPI, integrá-las a serviços externos e também a como torná-las robustas. Discutiremos a importância de uma boa documentação e testes. Abordaremos conceitos como integração com serviços externos, integração contínua e testes automatizados. Analisaremos cenários onde precisaremos de uma melhor performance e algumas técnicas para alcançar este objetivo como chamadas a funções assíncronas. Vamos tentar nos preparar para situações ruins que possam acontecer e garantir que nosso sistema será resiliente. O […]

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Neural Radiance Flow for 4D View Synthesis and Video Processing

[ICCV’21] Neural Radiance Flow for 4D View Synthesis and Video Processing Datasets The pouring dataset used for experiments can be download here and the iGibson dataset used inexperiments can be downloaded here Pouring Dataset Please download and extract each dataset at data/nerf_synthetic/. Please use the following command to train python run_nerf.py –config=configs/pour_baseline.txt After running model for 200,000 iterations, move the model to a new folder pour_dataset_flow and then use the following commandto train with flow consistency python run_nerf.py –config=configs/pour_baseline_flow.txt Gibson […]

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A Python tool to improve the experience of uploading NFTs to the Arweave storage

arweave-nft-uploader is a Python tool to improve the experience of uploading NFTs to theArweave storage for use with the Metaplex Candy Machine. The tool has an additional (optional) feature to manage complex NFTs with multiple asset files(e.g. a PNG and an SVG). See more about it in this section. This tool is for experienced users. I decline any responsibility for unneeded expenses caused bythe incorrect usage of this tool. Read this guide carefully before using it. Prerequisites an Arweave wallet […]

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ROSITA: Enhancing Vision-and-Language Semantic Alignments via Cross- and Intra-modal Knowledge Integration

News & Updates (24/08/2021) Release the demo to perform fine-grained semantic alignments using the pretrained ROSITA model. (15/08/2021) Release the basic framework for ROSITA, including the pretrained base ROSITA model, as well as the scripts to run the fine-tuning and evaluation on three downstream tasks (i.e., VQA, REC, ITR) over six datasets. Introduction This repository contains source code necessary to reproduce the results presented in our ACM MM paper ROSITA: Enhancing Vision-and-Language Semantic Alignments via Cross- and Intra-modal Knowledge Integration, […]

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Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support

GitHub – sshwsfc/xadmin: Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap. Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap. – GitHub – sshwsfc/xadmin: Drop-in replacement of Django …    

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TLDR: Twin Learning for Dimensionality Reduction

TLDR (Twin Learning for Dimensionality Reduction) is an unsupervised dimensionality reduction method that combines neighborhood embedding learning with the simplicity and effectiveness of recent self-supervised learning losses. Inspired by manifold learning, TLDR uses nearest neighbors as a way to build pairs from a training set and a redundancy reduction loss to learn an encoder that produces representations invariant across such pairs. Similar to other neighborhood embeddings, TLDR effectively and unsupervisedly learns low-dimensional spaces where local neighborhoods of the input space […]

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AWS SQS event redrive Lambda With Python

This repository contains one simple AWS Lambda function in Python to redrive AWS SQS events from source queue to destination queue. This script can be triggered periodically via cloudwatch as well if source queue contains too many events and you dont want to redrive them altogether. batch_size can be passed as input which will move only X events in one execution cycle. Default batch size is 10 if no value is passed. This script ensures that if same event is […]

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A collection of discord tools using python

A collection of discord tools i’ve made. Basically every discord related project i’ve worked on can be found here, i’ll try and update/upload new projects to this repository as much as i can. Firstly, install discum by typing the following command into your console/terminal : python -m pip install –user –upgrade git+https://github.com/Merubokkusu/Discord-S.C.U.M.git#egg=discum If that doesn’t work, i recommend reading the discum installation guide here : https://github.com/Merubokkusu/Discord-S.C.U.M Secondly install all the other requirements by inputting the following command into your console/terminal […]

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TestRank: Bringing Order into Unlabeled Test Instances for Deep Learning Tasks

Code for the paper TestRank: Bringing Order into Unlabeled Test Instances for Deep Learning Tasks by Yu Li, Min Li, Qiuxia Lai, Yannan Liu, and Qiang Xu. If you use this code, or development from it, please cite our paper: @article{yu2021testrank, title={TestRank: Bringing Order into Unlabeled Test Instances for Deep Learning Tasks}, author={Yu Li, Min Li, Qiuxia Lai, Yannan Liu, and Qiang Xu}, journal={NeurIPS}, year={2021} } 1. Setup Install dependencies conda env create -f environment.yml Please    

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