YOLOv5 detection interface – PyQt5 implementation

2021/10/8: 所有代码已上传,直接clone后,运行yolo_win.py即可开启界面。 2021/9/29:加入置信度选择 界面是在ultralytics的yolov5基础上建立的,界面使用pyqt5实现,内容较简单,娱乐而已。 功能: 模型选择 本地文件选择(视频图片均可) 开关摄像头 运行/终止 统计检测结果 默认模型为yolov5s.pt,默认输入文件为电脑摄像头视频 使用视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sQ4y1C7Vk?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 csdn: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41735859/article/details/120507779?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501 摄像头检测画面: 本地视频检测画面: 本地图片检测画面: 使用 运行yolo_win.py即可开启检测界面。 存在的一个小问题,切换模型或者文件过于频繁,可能会卡住,重启一下即可。 这种情况很少出现,问题不大。 GitHub View Github    

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Addon to give a keybind to automatically enable contact shadows on all lights in a scene

An easy way to let you enable contact shadows on all your lights, because Blender doesn’t enable it by default, and doesn’t give you a way to enable it by default, even though it’d be damned useful if it was enabled by default. So, enter this stupid thing, which will enable contact shadows on all lights in your scene, and is smart enough not to try to re-enable them on a light where they’ve been automatically enabled, and then disabled […]

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Tools for working with MARC data in Catalogue Bridge

Tools for working with MARC data in Catalogue Bridge. Borrows heavily from PyMarc (https://pypi.org/project/pymarc/). Requirements Requires the regex module from https://bitbucket.org/mrabarnett/mrab-regex. The built-in re module is not sufficient. Also requires py2exe. Installation From GitHub: git clone https://github.com/victoriamorris/catbridge_tools cd catbridge_tools To install as a Python package: To create stand-alone executable (.exe) files for individual scripts: Executable files will be created in the folder dist, and should be copied to an executable path. Both of the above commands can be carried out […]

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Django StatusPage : App to display statuspage for your services

Its page what will check your services is online or not Setup python -m venv .venv ..venvScriptsactivate pip install -r requirements.txt python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate python manage.py runserver After that start python manage.py check_status There are executed all checks of services. It should run if you want check services status. Testing flake8 pytest –cov –cov-report html python manage.py test

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Django sample app with users including social auth via Django-AllAuth

Simple, out-of-the-box Django all-auth demo app A “brochure” or visitor (no login required) area A members-only (login required) area. Supports local email/password as well as easy oauth with Google, Facebook and others. This is a simple, old-style HTML request/response website.No webpack, node, JavaScript framework.Objective is to get you a basic, visitor-and-member website operational quickly. tl;dr Get your Facebook and/or Google app creds (see sections below for more info); Clone or download the repo; then Follow instructions below: $ cd demo-allauth-bootstrap […]

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Machine Translation Weekly 90: The Surprising Multinguality of Large Language Models

This week, I am going to share my amazement and doubts about what could be called the surprising multilinguality of large language models. By large language models, I mean the really large ones that I can hardly run myself, trained on huge, hardly curated data and thus harbouring the worst societal demons, but also having many fascinating properties. Here, I would like to feature three papers that make me think about the properties of the models. 1. Finetuning to other […]

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A Roadmap to XML Parsers in Python

If you’ve ever tried to parse an XML document in Python before, then you know how surprisingly difficult such a task can be. On the one hand, the Zen of Python promises only one obvious way to achieve your goal. At the same time, the standard library follows the batteries included motto by letting you choose from not one but several XML parsers. Luckily, the Python community solved this surplus problem by creating even more XML parsing libraries. Jokes aside, […]

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First ever Microsoft Research Summit explores science and technology aimed at big challenges

For 30 years, Microsoft Research has brought together great minds from around the world to take on the biggest research challenges facing society. As we enter our fourth decade, the need for collaborative research—and the opportunities it presents—have never been greater. That’s why we’re so thrilled about the inaugural Microsoft Research Summit, October 19–21. It’s a virtual assembly of the global science and technology community, featuring world-leading researchers and engineers from academia, industry, and Microsoft, who  

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AI in Manufacturing: 4 Real-World Examples

Human error causes 23% of unplanned downtime in manufacturing. As you may know, unplanned downtime in manufacturing is a major cause of lost revenues. Can AI help reduce human errors in manufacturing? The quick answer is yes! AI can help mimic human decision-making on specific tasks. For example, on analyzing the image of a traffic stop, AI systems can be trained to detect the presence of objects such as a person, a stop sign, or a road bump. Given an […]

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