Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat

Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups and channels. Supports live streams, YouTube videos and telegram media. With record stream support, Schedule streams, and many more. Config Vars: Mandatory Vars API_ID : Get From API_HASH : Get from BOT_TOKEN : @Botfather SESSION_STRING : Generate From here CHAT : ID of Channel/Group where the bot plays Music. Recommended Optional Vars DATABASE_URI: MongoDB database Url, get from mongodb. This is an optional var, but it is […]

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Speed up Sphinx builds by selectively removing toctrees from some pages

Improve your Sphinx build time by selectively removing TocTree objects from pages.This is useful if your documentation uses auto-generated API documentation, whichgenerates a lot of stub pages This extension can be used to remove the sidebar links for just the pages you specify, speed up the build considerably. Who is this for? This package is for maintainers that use Sphinx and have really large API documentation (or for some other reason, have a ton of nested pages).If you use a […]

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The Definitive Django Learning Platform

The Definitive Django Learning Platform. This repository is a boilerplate Django project for quickly getting started. Getting started Steps: Clone/pull/download this repository Create a virtualenv with virtualenv env and install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt Configure your .env variables Rename your project with python rename This project includes: Settings modules for deploying with Azure Django commands for renaming your project and creating a superuser A cli tool for setting environment variables for deployment Other places you can find […]

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Every Google, Azure & IBM text to speech voice for free

Quick thing i made about a year ago to download any text with any tts voice, over 630 voices to choose from currently. It will split the input into multiple files every 1500 words or so to not hit any cutoff limits from TTS providers. Usage: Edit input.txt to change the text to synthesize. You can run just without any parameters to open the voice selector with default settings. Parameters

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A tool to investigate Software Resilience in Open Source Software projects

Source-o-grapher is a tool built with the aim to investigate software resilience aspects of Open Source Software (OSS) projects. The tool uses several metrics from the literature to evaluate an OSS project on four major dimensions: structural (source code), business and legal, integration and social (community of the project). Many of these metrics are automatically acquired by the tool using the Github repository of the project whereas some others are manually input by the expert who performs the analysis. Requirements […]

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The Official PyTorch Implementation of DiscoBox

DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision Paper | Project page | Demo (Youtube) | Demo (Bilibili) DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision.Shiyi Lan, Zhiding Yu, Chris Choy, Subhashree Radhakrishnan, Guilin Liu, Yuke Zhu, Larry Davis, Anima AnandkumarInternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021 This repository contains the official Pytorch implementation of training & evaluation code and pretrained models for DiscoBox.DiscoBox is a    

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Shallow Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition using Wearable Sensors

[IEEE TIM 2021-1] Shallow Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition using Wearable SensorsAll of datasets we use in this paper can be download from Internet and you can find we how to process data in this paper.This is my first time to open source, so there maybe some problems in my codes and I will improve this project in the near feature.Thanks! Requirements ● Python3● PyTorch (My version 1.9.0+cu111, please choose compatibility with your computer)● Scikit-learn● Numpy How to […]

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A small tool that is there to send messages with beta webhooks

📎 Webhook-discord Le but de se tool c’est que tu peux envoier vos webhook discord sur vos serveur et les customiser Pour lancer le projet il faut avoir python installer sur votre machine puis ensuite télécharger le projet et glisser le dossier du projet sur votre Ide de votre choix et puis installer le module : pip install discord_webhook Ensuite lancer le projet. 👤 Auteur GitHub View Github    

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